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Friday, April 20, 2018

What is a .pdf?

pdf documentEvery file name has a three or four letter designation with a [.] in front. Most of us are aware that .doc is a Word Document. Word is a program created by Microsoft for Word Processing.

In the beginning if you had a Mac or a different Word Processing program anything made in Word would not open. This sometimes still happens, but not often. Different programs have adjusted and now open documents that end in .doc. I have a Mac and use Pages for word processing. If I just save a document it has .pages at the end of the name. If I send it to someone who does not have Pages they will not be able to open it. That is what .pdf is for!  Any type of word processor and any computer can open something that has .pdf. Not only that, but pdfs are compressed and easy to email.

One other benefit of a .pdf is that it cannot be edited easily by someone else. If you have an important document that you want to share with someone else and you want to make sure that it is locked so that they cannot edit it a .pdf is a good solution.
Adobe icon
The company that first created the .pdf format is Adobe and there is a free program that is probably on your computer called Adobe Reader. It will allow you to open ANY .pdf document. It gets updated occasionally and sometimes you will see a red A bouncing at the bottom of your screen. That is Adobe and if you click on it you can update the program for free, which is a good thing to do.

If you have a Word Document and you want to make it into a .pdf it is similar to saving it.
  1. After you have opened the document click on FILE at the top of the screen.
  2. Click SAVE AS and a window will appearSAVE AS MENU
  3. As usual check three things:
    1. The Name of the Document - change it if you want. It is OK to leave it the same. It will not erase the other one because it will have .pdf at the end.
    2. The Location - Indicate where you want it to be saved.
    3. The File Type - When you just click save it is a .doc or .docx. You need to pull down that menu and choose .pdf. The program will actually EXPFile format boxORT the .doc and make it a .pdf.
File Type Menu

If you receive a .pdf from someone else and need to edit it you can convert it into a .doc that will open in Word with a website converter. Just go to Google and search for ".pdf to word". Here is a link to one of the many.
The original will not be changed, but you will have a separate copy that you can edit.

There is also a program to create .pdfs that can do many more things. Adobe reader is free, but the editing program costs. I did not do research on this, but I am sure that there are many options available for software to purchase that will create editable .pdfs. Offices often use it to create forms that can actually be filled in, but cannot be edited otherwise. 

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