Where Do I Get the Images I use?Last week I did a training session and mentioned to the participants that there were places on the web where you could get copyright free images to use on flyers. Since I was talking about that I decided to look up some of the websites that I use and make a list that I could give them. Wow!! What a surprise! There are LOTS of places to get beautiful copyright free images on the Internet. It used to be that there were only a few and they were hard to find. Most images were from sites only had copyrighted images and charged by the picture, or you could subscribe to the site that provided them. Now there are quite a few places to find images that are shared. I even wrote one of them asking how they made money when they were providing all of the pictures for free. They said that people donated images. The people who donated the images got notoriety by getting their pictures online and shared There is always a link where you can Paypal directly to the artist. The site made income from having links to Stock Photography Websites which were paid money to be included! The photo above is from Pexels and is by Andy Vu. Here is a list of the sites that I found! Copyright Free Image SourcesWikimedia Commons- Like Wikipedia a collection of images that are free to use. Some very beautiful images. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Flickr Commons-Images taken by people who are willing to share them Google Images – search and then choose TOOLS-USAGE RIGHTS to set it to images that are free to use. Free Range – Requires registration Unsplash Pexels The Life of Pix Stock Snap Pixabay |